Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Thanks to @interfluidity for tweeting a link to this very interesting post by nemo that addresses a topic I've been examining the last several months, that is, what words mean and what I mean to say.  nemo writes

Recently, I have noticed that when I attempt to express my opinion on certain topics, the words I try to use do not mean what I want. Words that once meant one thing have been hijacked to mean something completely different.

Here's a great tool I found, and I admit I don't use it enough! But I did reach for it and used it as I re-read the blog.   In appreciation of nemo and his Freedom is slavery.  

click on the image to view complete with the vt sidebar

I think mind mapping is going to take us much further in the near future.  What do you think?

Here are some resources I've found.  At least one, or maybe all, offer trial downloads.
             Compendium Institute   Mind Jet     Smart Draw